Sport and peace

Sports and healthy living

Escuela D4 Arica

Teachers and students from second to eighth primary grade have prepared a curricular project to carry out sports activities to improve Health and a Culture of Peace Starting with surveys and talks on Health and Peace.

A great event was held this year to evaluate the result of what was applied. The results were excellent in terms of attitude behavior and health of the students. During the development of the activity without competition all students and teacher finished with a big group hug ( see photos ) Coordinator Gladys Hernandez  Principal Ruth Dini

Sport and Peace

Escuela D-4 Arica

20 students from each fourth grade participate in the curricular activities of the School. The students wear a mask and keep distance between each other when doing sports to improve health and at the same time learn geometric figures and maintain good relationships with each other (Peace). The activity takes about 40 minutes twice per week using elastics (see photos)

Teachers of every fourth grade Teachers Patricia Eloy, Carol Rivera Joselyn Ormeño,Elizabeth Mardones y Alen TelloTotal students 80