The Life-Link Friendship Schools Conference 2024 was held in Paris, France, during June 14-17. Organized in collaboration with Molook Khadivi, a board member and long-standing supporter of Life-Link, the conference welcomed students and teachers from various countries including Egypt, Georgia, Sweden, and Türkiye. The conference featured workshops on sustainable development and peacebuilding, alongside opportunities to explore one of the world's most vibrant cities.
The first day of the conference was aimed at getting to know each other, as well as our host city, Paris. The day began with a visit to La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, where participants engaged with an interactive exhibition on climate change. Activities included calculating carbon footprints, comparing different climate scenarios, and learning about ways to contribute to environmental sustainability on a local scale. The exhibition gave rise to many interesting discussions between students and teachers. Following the exhibition, participants enjoyed a tour of Paris, which took them to some of the city’s most iconic sites, including the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe. A guided visit to the Louvre Museum ended the tour, allowing participants to take part in Paris's rich cultural heritage.
The first day ended with a multicultural evening hosted by board member Peder Palmstierna. As Peder put it – culture is what differentiates us, but it is also what unites us. Indeed, this idea of “unity in diversity” was embodied throughout the evening, as students showcased their cultural traditions through songs, dances and samplings of local foods and pastries. The event was held at the Swedish students’ home in Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, a collection of international student housing organized by nationality with the aim of fostering intercultural understanding, aligning closely with Life-Link’s ethos.
The second day began with a presentation by Life-Link board member and environmental expert Hans van Thienen on Belgium's transition to sustainable energy sources. The presentation resulted in discussions about the interplay between policy and environmental reform. This was followed by an “action workshop” led by board members Alice Ekwall Sundby, Anton Nyman, and Daniel Demitz-Helin. In this workshop, students first discussed sustainability-focused projects in smaller groups with students from other schools. Following this, the students reconvened with their peers and designed projects to be implemented in their local communities. In the afternoon, board member Hiba Ballout hosted a digital workshop on non-violent communication, consisting of several activities to deepen our understanding of the role of communication and empathy in peacebuilding. The conference concluded with a diploma ceremony, celebrating the contributions of students, teachers, and board members.
Despite a reduction in participants due to ever-stricter visa procedures, the board of Life-Link Friendship Schools deemed the conference a success. The board extends gratitude to all students and teachers for their dedication, and hopes that they return to their communities with renewed enthusiasm for Life-Link's mission and the principles of the 3 Cs: Care for yourself, Care for others, and Care for nature. A special word of thanks is due to Molook Khadivi for her efforts in organizing this year's conference. The board looks forward to continued collaboration and progress in building sustainable and peaceful communities worldwide.