Life-Link Friendship schools
In the beginning of June, Life-Link Friendship Schools hosted the 22nd International Conference. Similar to last year it was held online due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite its initial negative impact the Life-Link board and the organisation at large used the situation to inspire our theme and overcome logistical difficulties. As a result a record number of students, teachers and schools managed to participate and discuss this year’s main theme - Life after Covid-19.
Keeping in mind Life-Link’s three C’s; Care for Myself, Care for Others and Care for Nature, the 153 participating students were during the spring asked to explore the potential opportunities the ongoing health crisis may present in pursuit of a better and more sustainable post-Covid world. The conference was organised into three focus areas: Transport, Non-food consumption and Food, and each school group had to respond to one of these with a well thought-out project later presented to the board and other participants.
The nature of our international conference is that it allows similar-minded people coming from all over the world to share their ideas, thoughts and experiences. Unified in our longing for a more sustainable world our different backgrounds have broadened our way of looking at things which has been clearly embodied in this year's conference.
From ideas regarding banana leaf packaging to reduce plastic usage in daily life in Jaipur, to Clean-up days in Moscow and an app regarding eco transport reward systems in Teheran the conference exceeded all expectations and inspired us to think globally and act locally.
After each session the floor was opened up to all spectators to either ask questions or give any sort of feedback. This was done to keep the interactive elements of the conference in spite of it being held online.
Throughout the planning of the conference, the will and expectation of the Life-Link board was to see the beginning of local projects that would lead our journey towards sustainable development within our respective communities. Therefore, it is our greatest wish and goal to see these project plans develop into actions that will be published online and presented this autumn as the next step of this conference.
The Life-Link Board