Energy Saving Day

Bereginya 684

As part of the energy Saving Day, environmental lessons for the International energy saving day "Save the climate by saving energy and resources " were held at school № 684 "Bereginya". A mini-conference was held - the children prepared a story with a presentation in grades 9-11 on energy and resource conservation, exchanged views, and an interesting dialogue took place: "What is in our power to save resources and energy".

Separate waste collection, quizzes, exhibitions of posters and drawings were organized in different schools. A detailed story was told about plastic and its impact on the environment by students in grades 6. Waste paper collection en plastic collection was organized. Also an open lessons was conducted: "What is the separate collection of waste?».

During the lessons, it turned out that a partial sorting of solid waste is carried out in each family: useful things are transferred to other people or find secondary use in the family for toys or clothes. In some courtyards where the families participate in the live lessons, there are containers for general garbage collection and a special container for collecting plastic.

During the pauze, the lights were turned off in the classrooms, and the electricity was turned off in the corridors during lessons. This fulfills the recommendations of students after research projects "Save energy" and '“Energy saving is everyone's business”. These projects where developed on November 11th, in grades 7-11, during the biology class under the guidance of teacher Ivanova.

Students of 11A presented a social project of the volunteer movement "Ready for Good". The project is aimed at broad involvement of young people, schoolchildren in the atmosphere of life, where elderly and lonely people, veterans, seriously ill people, disabled people, orphans need their help and moral support.

The relevance of the creation of the volunteer movement "Ready for Good" is that it promotes:

  • formation of a wothy lifestyle for every person;

  • formation of the child’s life positions;

  • formation of a valued attitude to the social conditions of human life;

  • development of the ability to make an individual choice of housing.

Promotion and work on energy and resource conservation still continues at our school.