AL-Ghadir School
In order to strengthen the spirit of tourism and follow various educational methods for dear students to hold this year's camp, Al-Ghadir School considered the city of Hamedan, which had recently been selected as the tourism capital of Asia, and started planning the trip.
In this four-day trip, considering the historical and cultural capacities of Hamedan city, the students had the opportunity to visit the historical and famous buildings of Iran such as the "Ganjnameh Historical Complex" and experience a different cultural interaction that is the way to get acquainted with celebrities such as Bu Ali Sina and visit the tomb of this prominent Iranian scientist is one of the memorable memories of the trip for the students.
Al-Ghadir School, due to its official membership in Life-Link International Organization and environmental concerns, has always tried to define effective and practical models in line with its environmental educational goals, so in this trip, it provided a special opportunity for students to visit "Ali-Sadr Cave", which is a unique example of wetland and water caves in the world, by sailing along the path inside the cave.
Al-Ghadir School will benefit from the experience of this trip, which created a closer and more intimate opportunity for teachers and students to continue its educational programs.