Liceo Artistico

First Aid Team

Liceo Artistico

The teacher Roberto Parra, invited some profesionals who prepares a group of students, a TEAM of 15, who made up a First Aid team (see photos) because Arica is a city that has had river overflows, due to changes in the climate and because it is a seismic city. In this city earthquakes of great magnitude have occurred.

Students learn to use fire extinguishers to put out fires, to transport people on stretchers, and to know how to call firefighters, ambulances, police officers and to maintain order at schools and carried out first aid in case of accidents, including what bandages to use, and how to carry them on stretchers, as well as what to do with those who lack oxygen at that moment

The team works on a special schedule every day in the afternoons in such a way that the management of the Lyceum provides the tools and space, respecting the Pandemic regulations.

Coordinator Gladys Hernández

First Aid

Liceo Artistico

The teacher Roberto Parra has trained a group of Life-Link students to be prepared in case of an unexpected accident. Especially to be prepared for earthquakes because the city of Arica is highly sensitive to seismic shocks. In the photos you can see the practical classes carried out with the support of teacher Mr. Parra, expert in first aid. The group received training for several months so they are able to help the school and community members in case of emergency.

Healthy Food & Healthy Eating Habits

Liceo Artistico

Liceo Artistico -Arica- Chile teacher Roberto Parra has been teaching to his 33 students to learn healthy eating habits since the beginning of the Corona Pandemic. They have learned to wash their hands and food when cooking or preparing the food. Currently they are passing on information gained to other students of school via online workshops.